2022 Third dB Series - UST Philosophy Department

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Third session of the Beauvoir Webinar Series 2022
The International Simone de Beauvoir Society is happy to present the 3rd session of the Beauvoir Webinar Series 2022!

Emma McNicol (Monash University, Melbourne) will be in conversation with Jean-Louis Jeannelle (Sorbonne University, Paris), Julia Korbik (writer and journalist, Berlin), Sandrine Sanos (Texas A & M University - Corpus Christi) on this topic:

*Writing Simone de Beauvoir's life*

May 13, 2022
Austin (TX) 7am / Paris-Berlin 2pm / Manila 8pm / Melbourne 10pm

About the participants:

Emma McNicol is a Gender Equality Research Officer and is completing her doctorate at Monash University Schools of Languages, Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics, her PhD thesis interrogates prominent Anglo-American critiques of Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex. She was an Editorial Assistant of the journal Simone de Beauvoir Studies.

Jean-Louis Jeannelle is a Professor of French Literature at Sorbonne University. His research focuses on writers' autobiographical writings and Memoirs. He is the author of *Ecrire ses mémoires au XXe siècle : déclin et renouveau (NRF, 2008)*. He is a specialist of Simone de Beauvoir and he participated in the edition of Beauvoir's Memoirs in the collection of the Pléiade. He has published and edited several articles and special issues on Beauvoir.

Julia Korbik is a German feminist writer and journalist passionate about philosophy and French literature, especially the life and work of Beauvoir. She has published a biography of Beauvoir for the young general public. *Oh, Simone !* (2017), a dynamic and vivid entry into Beauvoir's life, has met a large audience and was translated from German into French.

Sandrine Sanos is an Associate Professor of Modern European History at Texas A & M University- Corpus Christi and a cultural and intellectual historian of 20th c. France, focused especially on questions of gender & sexuality, representation & discourse, violence and its aftermath, and feminist theory. She is the author of a historical biography of Beauvoir, Simone de Beauvoir: Creating a Feminist Existence (Oxford University Press, 2016).


Join us in this interesting discourse on twriting Beauvoir's life! This is a free event and is open to the public. Please fill out and submit this form to complete your registration.

The Zoom link will be sent to your registered email address the day before the event.

The session will also be streamed on the Facebook page of The International Simone de Beauvoir Society: https://www.facebook.com/SdBSociety1 and then posted on our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZSTeeTu4Ez05Ori4r2DSlQ

For inquiries about the webinar, send an email to beauvoirwebinarseries@gmail.com
To become a member of the Society and receive the journal: https://beauvoir.weebly.com/membership-and-donations.html

Thank you.

Dr. Gina Opiniano and Marine Rouch,
for The International Simone de Beauvoir Society


Our partners for this session are :
- University of Santo Tomas Department of Philosophy
- Framespa, University of Toulouse - Jean Jaurès

What's a partnership? A partnership aims at proposing the webinars to students of the universities that require the partnership. Feel free to ask more info about it!

© 2024 UST Department of Philosophy
© photos, respective owners: The Department, The Varsitarian, Concilium Philosophiae, Manila Bulletin, Brian de Guzman, J. Tewell
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