University of Santo Tomas
Faculty of Arts and Letters
The Graduate School
Department of Philosophy
Center of Excellence in Philosophy
Philippine Commission on Higher Education
PACUCOA Level IV-accredited program
Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation
The study of Philosophy in the University of Santo Tomas emanates from the Medieval emphasis on studia humanitatis, a humanistic education reminiscent of Plato's emphasis on musicae and gymnasticae (The Republic, VI), of Aristotle's stress on the political imbeddedness of each individual, of Thomas Aquinas' understanding of the inseparability of faith and reason. Philosophy in the university is rooted in the great intellectual traditions that attempt to form human beings according to cultural, moral, and aesthetic ideals derived from a diversity of cultures and civilizations.

The Department of Philosophy oversees the administration of the civil Philosophy programs of UST, separate, but an offshoot, from the University's Ecclesiastical Faculty of Philosophy which administers the Ecclesiastical degrees. The Department of Philosophy services the whole university via the administration of the General Education Philosophy courses, and forms an integral part of the Faculty of Arts and Letters where the Bachelor of Arts (AB) in Philosophy program is being offered. Moreover, the Department of Philosophy supervises the graduate Philosophy programs, Master of Arts (MA) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), offered at the UST Graduate School.
Inspired by the Vision and Mission of the University and of the Faculty of Arts and Letters,
the Department of Philosophy envisions
a vibrant community of faculty and students
—an academic community impassioned by philosophical curiosity, the dissemination of knowledge, compassion, and spirituality.
Stay connected with the Department!
Academic Year 2024-2025
Featured events:
The First PhilSEP (Philippine Society of Education & Philosophy) Conference in partnership with the Department on the theme "Philosophizing about Education in the Philippines" to be held 20-21 September 2024.
The Asian Journals Network 2024 Seminar-Workshop sponsored by Unitas, Kritike, and Philippinana Sacra and co-sponsored by the Department and other units to be held 1 October 2024.
The Continental Philosophy Symposium II: Deutsche Philosophie on the theme "Reframing Enlightenment in an Alienated World" to be held 12-13 November 2024.